Caramelized Vegetables

A few months ago upon one of my visits to the Clifton Inn kitchen, I tried a preparation of a super simple ingredient that one of the chefs at the Clifton Inn dreamed-up.  It was cooked cabbage.  But it wasn’t stewed or braised or even fermented.  It was simply a big green cabbage, quartered, and … Continue reading

Foods from the Past: Cookies

  My family hosted a brunch right around News Years this winter and invited a bunch of our new neighbors.  It was a sort of house-warming party to start getting to know the people on our new street in Charlottesville.  We made quiches, mimosas, french toast casserole, shrimp cocktails, cheesecake truffles, and chocolate cookies with … Continue reading

Truffle Honey Parmesan Fries

This post is about a dish I affectionately call “Magic Sweet Taters.”  They’re a riff on the truffle honey fries I just blogged about at Avalon restaurant.  I decided to make my version with sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes because they’re a more Paleo-friendly starch in that they’re more nutrient dense and that they … Continue reading

Christmas Series: Hot Buttered Bourbon

I’m still getting over the mountains of delicious food consumed over the holidays, and I think I will blame the resulting “food coma” for my lateness in posting about the dishes I made for Christmas.  I’m finally readying pictures and recipes from the holidays to post, and I’ve decided to start with the star cocktail. … Continue reading

Buttermilk Pancakes

Do you know how sometimes you just get this craving for certain home-y foods?  Well, it had never happened before, but being away at college made me crave pancakes all of a sudden, and with no mom there to whip up a batch for me, I had to learn to make them myself.  I of … Continue reading